Monday, July 19, 2010

Mommy I'm a fish!

The title of this post is what Sabrina said to me this morning.  This has been the summer of the pool. I don't think I've been in the water this much since I was a teenager. We've had a great summer so far. Sabrina loves loves LOVES the water. Anything about the pool. She can go swimming everyday. I haven't seen her get tired of it yet. At the beginning Sabrina would hold onto me and wouldn't let go. Over time she has gotten more and more brave so I bought her a swim vest. Now she swims all over the pool and loves putting her head in the water and just going! She goes around all day saying "Swimming! Swimming! I wanna go swimming!!! Swimsuit! Swim diaper! Swim vest!!" She can be in the pool for over a hour and a half and she's still going strong.
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  1. Maybe she really is a fish. Are you or Jerry part fish? Make sure she doesn't meet Ursula or she may become a mermaid. :)
