Sunday, March 7, 2010

San Antionio Ranch & Visiting Ella

Busy afternoon. We planned on visiting Sabrina's friend Ella in the hospital but she was taking a nap. So first we went to San Antonio Ranch on a nature walk. Sabrina walked at least 1/2 mile, maybe close to a mile. But it takes quite a bit of time because she gets really distracted. Puppies! Rock! Baby! She wants to look and touch everything. Once she saw the rocks (really pebbles) that was all she wrote. All she wanted to do at that point was throw the rocks. Fortunately, the rocks don't get too far. And only at the grass, not at the people.  :)  Once we heard that Ella was up we drove over to Lucille Packard Children's Hospital. Ella has a heart condition and needed open heart surgery! What a brave little girl. But she was out of the ICU and in a regular room. I think the girls were happy to see each other. They (sort of) played together and we hung out for about 1/2 hour. We needed to get home for dinner and Sabrina ate an entire turkey sausage herself! After that she must have had at least a dozen grape tomatoes. She loves those grape tomatoes. I think I have the only kid who gets the meat before the veggies. Jerry's giving Sabrina a bath and soon it will be night night. Here are some pictures from our nature walk:

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