Friday, April 29, 2011

Chag Purim, Chag Purim, Chag Gadol Hu La'Yehudim

I have really fond memories of Purim at preschool. One year I was Queen Vashti. Basically, the story goes that the Jews were in Persia and King Ahasuerus commanded Queen Vashti to dance for him and his buddies and Queen Vashti refuses. Consequently, the King said he was going to look for another bride. Then there's the whole part about Esther but I always liked Queen Vashti better.  I thought it was great that Queen Vashti stood up for herself and didn't just do what the King wanted. Anyways, I was excited to experience Sabrina's first Purim at her preschool. I found costumes for both girls, Sabrina was Cinderella and Maddie was a butterfly. Although I tried to tell Sabrina she was Queen Vashti and she told me "no. I'm Cinderella". Oh well, but it was true, she WAS Cinderella...on a side note, every single girl at her school was wearing...a princess dress. No joke. For Purim the school marched around the campus doing their own Purim parade and showed off their costumes to the religious school, the office, etc. At the end of the parade the kids went into the sanctuary and the rabbi held a little mini megillah reading. It was really cute. On Sunday our shul had a Purim Carnival and Sabrina had a great time. She really got into the games and spirit of things. 
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